Today I feel like such a buzz killer. I keep yelling, scolding and bitching about people. :( This is not who I am, I'm usually the happy-go-lucky girl that shrieks in joy and laugh halfway when I'm telling a funny story to friends who thinks I'm stupid and retarded. But sometimes I feel that because I behave like this, people don't take me seriously.
I don't care if you think that I'm dumb or ugly or uncoordinated, fuck that. I don't care, like your so perfect. I just start to care when people don't LISTEN to me. Like I have no ideas or thoughts or common sense.Ya la I know sometimes I lack common sense but I do have them, okay. News flash, your not the only person who has a freaking brain on earth. Other people think to. I think, I have a brain. I have thoughts, I have ideas and you know what, so does the other 7 billion people on earth. Geez..come on la.
But then nobody ever listens to me. Even though what I say is true, they DON'T listen. Am I that beneath you that you can't follow my advice or even consider it? It makes me so mad. Ish, cuss it all. Don't care la. Not my problem. Not my loss that you don't listen.