Friday, March 29, 2013

Project 365

Dear B,

It's been 2 weeks after Spring Break but I feel like I need another week off already. I'm up till 6:15 in the morning nowadays just studying for exams. If my dad reads this he'd probably say manage my time better but I swear to God I got no time to spare. My days are always hectic, it's more hectic than any semesters that I had before. I'm guessing its the fact that I moved off campus, I'm out in the morning for classes and I stay on till I'm done with classes, group meetings, club meetings omgasdkhfakdjhf so many things. I'm actually cutting back on club activities for next semester to make more room for study time and I desperately need that, especially since it's my senior year. But one thing that really helps, and I know it sounds corny but it's really true is praying. One thing that keeps making me feel uneasy is that I haven't been to the gym since Spring break, that's like 3 weeks! There goes my figure, LOL, as if I had one before. Oh I really wanna make a post about my weight teehee, maybe when I hit 110 pounds. I've been close but I'm not there yet, slowly but surely.

I'm officially starting Project 365 :D


This was taken back in October..I was one of those weird weather days where it snowed one day and sunny the other. The lamp post in the picture reminds me of when Lucy first discovered Narnia. 


The Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier. I was in Chicago again for Spring Break and it reminded of summer and what used to be. I'm not gonna lie, being there reminded me of Ian. 


Ok, this is clearly not a pretty picture haha. I was at Madison, Wisconsin for Temaga Jaguh Malaya and I participated in Women's Basketball. Stevens played against Iowa State and this girl, smaller than me, flung me across the court like I was nothing. I just sat on the court dumbfounded. This went on for the entire game and at one point at the game, I malas dah nak layan. You play the way you wanna play. You wanna throw me down on the court, you throw la. But in the end, you're the one getting the foul. Everything ended well tho, we all became friends so no harm done :) Oh and Stevens won 2nd place for Basketball so that's awesome. 


Samosas :D My neighbor Emul invited my roommate Amy and I to make some samosas. Doesn't the Samosa that I'm holding in my hand look like a Smurf's shoe haha, exactly why I took a picture of it. It's like I chopped a Smurf's foot off and fried it hahahaha, funny ok, im not crazy!

Garrett Popcorn at the Navy Pier. Ian told me about this popcorn cause you know, salty popcorn at the cinema sucks and I got to try it this time around! I actually bought two batches. One was a caramel flavor and the other was dark chocolate. Ok, sad story. I left my dark chocolate popcorn in the car, thinking it would be safe from harm but then when I got back to Hoboken, I found out that the people that I traveled with ate my popcorn!!! I know it's dumb but I got really upset. The day before I found out that they ate it, I actually had a dream about them eating it. It was almost like a horror movie. Lol. I'm physic.

So yayyyyy, 5 pictures for Project 365! Another 360 to go :)

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Hoboken St. Patty's Day

Hey B!

I'm glad you texted me. A lot has happen this past week. Some good, some bad. Let's keep that for another time.

It was Hoboken's St. Patty's Day last Saturday! and I got shwasteddd. Lol. I'm surprise I remembered every single thing that happen that day, not even kidding. 

I went out with my roommate Nathalie that day. Me, her and two of her friends went to a bar called Wicked Wolf and got really cheap drinks and a free shot cause Nathalie used to work there so she knows the manager and blablabla, you get the point.

A human size Barbie doll!! She's so pretty. 

Lexy and Andrea
Duck faces cause we cool like that \m/ lol 
Can you believe that the two girls in the pic with me are sisters?

anddddd that's pretty much it. I didn't take a lot of pictures that day. But hey at least I can scratch 'Hoboken St. Patty's Day' off my to-do list.