Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hari Malaysia '13

Hari Malaysia was on September 16th and it was to commemorate the day when Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore form Malaysia. So on this special day this year, I was privileged enough to join the New York dance troupe to perform a few traditional dances at the Consulate General of Malaysia. 

We started training since August, a month before the actual performance. At first it was a hassle to commute from Hoboken to New York to practice but after a while, after school started and all, I found myself looking forward to it. I guess now since everything is done with I kinda miss it. From having to commute to New York, I started loving the city more. I love making my way from 33rd street to 43rd Street and 2nd Avenue. I always hated walking in the city but now I treasure every moment I'm there. 

Ok sorry I digress. So the dances that I learned for the performance was Asyik, Chinese Fan Dance and Ngajat. The first one- Asyik, I've never heard of the dance before in my life but it's such a nice dance. I feel like such a woman when I perform it cehhhh :p But enough of this, its picture time!

This video is to show you how crazy it was before the show started. I was freaking out cause the Consulate was pack, it was a freaking full house! Of course nervous la, first show bha.

The fellow dancers in Asyik and Joget Payung costume
In Indian and Chinese Costume
I love how vibrant and festive the costume colors were.
In Orang Ulu traditional costume
The girls with the makeup artist-Christine
This was our 'changing room'. It was basically a hallway with both ends closed up with boards to give us privacy. It was so hectic cause everyone literally have only minutes to change from one costume to another in that tiny space. It was crazy but I love it. Adrenaline rush wei. 

And oh my goshhhh, guess who was there for Hari Malaysia?
None other than the beautiful Sazzy Falak! 
This is really dumb but I actually teared up when I met her.
With Jonathan, Mira and Bad

Now that everything is over and done with, I feel so empty inside. I seriously had fun dancing with everyone. I met new people in the process and expanded my circle of friends. I feel so grateful to Badrishah for asking me if I was interested in doing this. Thanks Bad/Biz, I seriously had so much fun and I'm gonna miss it all. 

Hopefully this will be the first show of many more shows in New York *prays*  teehee :)

Monday, September 2, 2013

Atlantic City

Before summer ended and I had to go back to the daily routine of a college student, I went on one last trip with my friends. Destination: Atlantic City ka-ching ka-ching

Its been the third time I've been there and by far the best trip ever. Although AC is known for their casinos I didn't gamble. I'm not a gambler and the thought of losing money just makes me go bonkers.

The beach was cleaner this time around. Last summer when I went, the beach was filthy. There was a lot of trash and a freaking diaper in the water for god sake #trauma. Think this is what, your own personal dump site is it tsk tsk. I went to AC thinking that the water was gonna be as dirty as last year but I was proven wrong. The water was kinda clean tho it was murky, but at least no trash and no freaking diaper in sight.

Picture time!

Twas a glorious day to have a walk on AC's broadwalk.

#21 of the 365 project :D

Taken by Adriano. After he took this pic I found a postcard that was exactly like this picture, just with more seagulls and a lifeguard post.
Golly, isn't she a beauty?
It's times like this that I wish I could swim.
Whats a trip without a selfie? Teehee :p

That's all for now, au revoir.