Thursday, July 7, 2011


I am sorry..truly I am.
I don't know when I started to change into this envious person. I was never this person before this and now it seems that you keep seeing me in this state and I hate myself for it.

I used to be cool about it, I didn't give much thought of who was with and where. Naive they called me, too nice or just too damn blond to notice or even take a hint of what was happening and what happened scarred me for life.

I have taken away a valuable lesson from what has happened, but it also left me insecure and paranoid. I have no other reason explaining why I am like this. I have no ill will against anyone despite these feelings, I just need to know history won't repeat itself because I don't think I can handle a second wave of heartache if anything happened. 

Paranoid, I know.  And I am really sorry for everything.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Hey- ho, so long haven't blog already :O 

Many apologies to my readers who have continuously been checking on my blog to end up in utter disappointment in no new post! (ceh,if got la :p) I'm back now cause la-di-da I'm on holiday and I'm bored as a monkey sniffing its own butt.

So..what's new..
for one thing 
I graduated from INTEC!

Like finally dude :D        
I won't post a lot of my pictures here because that day of all days I look so horrible. =.= I don't know what the hell I was doing but I didn't get enough sleep and ended up waking with these horrid looking eye bags.


That's me! 
with the new INTEC Director, Puan Fauziah, she is mighty friendly :D 

and guess who showed up to my graduation?

~It's Ian~
Thank you for sacrificing so much to come to my graduation, it meant a lot to me that you came :)

After graduation, like other normal newly graduates, we took photos for old time sakes. 

Try spotting me, I bet you can't!

With the indians and their girlfriends, awww~
 thaya and zhi yu are with me hohohoho!

Lady Engineers :D 

It was fun, it was the second last major event that my comrades and I had together before parting ways. There will be no emo statement in this post, lets safe that for our last major event together :D 

I'm currently watching Chuck now and it is so superbly funny and it's kinda cool. I always thought it was lame cause Zachary Levi is acting the love struck character that let his emotions run his being every time. But then its ok I guess, he got control of it and got cooler and he cut his hair :D Yvonne Strahovski is super hot and I'm starting to like her. Not in a lesbian way of course. Teehee~