Sunday, July 22, 2012

Disneyland and Universal Studio

It's been so long since the last post HAHA i'm such a bad blogger. I'm back in Hoboken for a month now and couldn't fit in any time to write in about my roadtrip till now!! I'm so excited cause I have a ton of pics to share from my trip so be warned : long post ahead (:

After Ohio, I went to Ann Arbor Michigan to participate in a cheer rehearsal for the upcoming Midwest Cheer Competition. A lot of Stevens people called me a traitor cause I left Stevens to join another school but heyyyy, a whole lot of other people did it too so don't get all high and mighty with me LOL. I just wanted   to spent 30 bucks on something that I actually enjoyed doing and I did (: UMICH cheer team won gold medal so congrats team! They really did went all out.

 UMich Cheer team in their yellow glory
Can you spot me? :p
Stopped by Chicago on the way to Illinois to pick up a damsel from the airport. I was super excited cause I always wanted to see, touch and just go woahh at the famous bean and finally I did!

The famous Bean ohmygahhh can you see my jakun-ness?
I was in the car and randomly said, "I wish there was a pier here" and Ikha told me there was one and dear God I wanted to die of happiness. Haha I might sound like such a jakun right now but you gotta believe me when I say I always wanted to go on a pier with a big, bright Ferris wheel on it with pink cotton candy in my hand lol. 

Wahh..such a sight to behold. I got my ferris wheel but sadly no cotton candy to stuff my mouth with. It really was nice, I wish we could have stayed longer at Chicago. It seemed like such a cool city to be in.We drove another 3 hours or so to get to Urbana-Champaign Illinois and met up with friends from home who are now scattered all around the States (: Everyone look so mature and adult-ish but still sama kepala. 

I did nothing much during Midwest. Basically just went around catching up with people and watch basketball/volleyball/football matches. Oh ya, I also scout for potential rival for volleyball, basketball and futsal. I'm so pumped up after I see girls playing in those sports. I'm so gonna make a team next year and beat their ass. I am a girl with a mission now lol

Anyway once business in Illinois was over, it was time for FLORIDA OMG BEACHDISNEYWORLDUNIVERSALNUDEBEACH *hyperventilate* Finally, like finally it was time for Florida. I waited all spring for this trip and just couldn't wait to relax and get tan lol

First thing we did when we got to Florida was...

The Gateway to Awesomeness
It was raining that day wtf mood killer! Ikha for one was excited for this trip. Even though it rain heavily and had to buy overprice ponchos from the store she kept the mood up with her bubbly-ness.
With Ian, Ikha and Zera in front of the castle :)
I think I was a teeny bit disappointed as it wasn't as magical as I thought it would be. Well, it would be magical if I was 5 but if your 20 you just feel as if everything fake. For example: 
Sleeping Beauty and her Prince Charming
But at least I can scratch off Disney World off my bucket list (: I enjoyed the afternoon parade and the Electrical Parade later that night tho, very entertaining.
Disney's Electrical Parade

There was also a light show, where the castle was use as a screen :O I can't explain it so just see this pic lol
Disney's 100 Anniversary Show
The next day we went to....

Universal had 2 parks, one was City Walk and the other is Adventureland where all the hardcore rides are at. We went to City Walk first and this was our first ride of the day! 

It's the scariest ride I have ever ridden in my life. I'm not gonna lie I teared up at that drop right after the 90 degree track. I got mad at Ian for making me do it but I'm also thankful that he did cause at least I got my money's worth lol Thank you baby! There were a lot of cool rides. I especially love the Mummy ride cause its so real. There's flames and spiders and whatnot. The track for the mummy included reverse, sudden lunge and acceleration and this all happen in dimly lit rooms and even in the dark. So much fun omg thinking about it makes me wanna ride it again.

They were also Krustyland 3D ride. You might not think it was fun cause its 3D but boy it was one hell of a ride. You're seated in a vehicle looking seat and it moves like crazy. The visual was so surreal it felt like you were a cartoon character in The Simpsons.

Universal also had a parade going on... 

Ok, now for some random pics weeeeeeeee: 

Omygah so many minionss!

Group shot!
The next day we went to Adventure land where all the hardcore rides were. It was truly a test for me to summon all my courage to go on most of the rides cause I was so freaking out so much I thought I was gonna die. 

The wizarding world of Harry Potter!
Hogwarts Express
The Owl Post 
Gotta have butterbeer when we're in Hogsmeade!

The Lost Continent

Ok lame I didn't take pictures of any of the rides -.- All the rides were so much fun, there wasn't any that I particularly hated. I hope you enjoyed this post! I warned you it was gonna be long :D

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