Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hari Malaysia '13

Hari Malaysia was on September 16th and it was to commemorate the day when Malaya, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore form Malaysia. So on this special day this year, I was privileged enough to join the New York dance troupe to perform a few traditional dances at the Consulate General of Malaysia. 

We started training since August, a month before the actual performance. At first it was a hassle to commute from Hoboken to New York to practice but after a while, after school started and all, I found myself looking forward to it. I guess now since everything is done with I kinda miss it. From having to commute to New York, I started loving the city more. I love making my way from 33rd street to 43rd Street and 2nd Avenue. I always hated walking in the city but now I treasure every moment I'm there. 

Ok sorry I digress. So the dances that I learned for the performance was Asyik, Chinese Fan Dance and Ngajat. The first one- Asyik, I've never heard of the dance before in my life but it's such a nice dance. I feel like such a woman when I perform it cehhhh :p But enough of this, its picture time!

This video is to show you how crazy it was before the show started. I was freaking out cause the Consulate was pack, it was a freaking full house! Of course nervous la, first show bha.

The fellow dancers in Asyik and Joget Payung costume
In Indian and Chinese Costume
I love how vibrant and festive the costume colors were.
In Orang Ulu traditional costume
The girls with the makeup artist-Christine
This was our 'changing room'. It was basically a hallway with both ends closed up with boards to give us privacy. It was so hectic cause everyone literally have only minutes to change from one costume to another in that tiny space. It was crazy but I love it. Adrenaline rush wei. 

And oh my goshhhh, guess who was there for Hari Malaysia?
None other than the beautiful Sazzy Falak! 
This is really dumb but I actually teared up when I met her.
With Jonathan, Mira and Bad

Now that everything is over and done with, I feel so empty inside. I seriously had fun dancing with everyone. I met new people in the process and expanded my circle of friends. I feel so grateful to Badrishah for asking me if I was interested in doing this. Thanks Bad/Biz, I seriously had so much fun and I'm gonna miss it all. 

Hopefully this will be the first show of many more shows in New York *prays*  teehee :)

Monday, September 2, 2013

Atlantic City

Before summer ended and I had to go back to the daily routine of a college student, I went on one last trip with my friends. Destination: Atlantic City ka-ching ka-ching

Its been the third time I've been there and by far the best trip ever. Although AC is known for their casinos I didn't gamble. I'm not a gambler and the thought of losing money just makes me go bonkers.

The beach was cleaner this time around. Last summer when I went, the beach was filthy. There was a lot of trash and a freaking diaper in the water for god sake #trauma. Think this is what, your own personal dump site is it tsk tsk. I went to AC thinking that the water was gonna be as dirty as last year but I was proven wrong. The water was kinda clean tho it was murky, but at least no trash and no freaking diaper in sight.

Picture time!

Twas a glorious day to have a walk on AC's broadwalk.

#21 of the 365 project :D

Taken by Adriano. After he took this pic I found a postcard that was exactly like this picture, just with more seagulls and a lifeguard post.
Golly, isn't she a beauty?
It's times like this that I wish I could swim.
Whats a trip without a selfie? Teehee :p

That's all for now, au revoir.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Fall Semester Part 1

I'm taking 21 credits next semester which means 7 classes. By far the most credits I've taken. Not gonna lie, I'm scared and I pray to God that I will get through it. I can only hope nothing emotional happens so I'm gonna write my resolution for my Fall Semester just to keep me focus on the important things. 

#1 No drama please
Since I came to Stevens, my life has been a living hell  ... interesting? I thought it would have been like how it was in Intec but it wasn't. I know some of you can relate to this, you guys must have your fair share of life drama. In Intec I was carefree, bubbly and happy. Had friends that I could trust and talk to about anything; well I thought I could. But here, it’s so different. I feel like a character in a movie with all this shit going on. No more. I need to be a tough bitch. People wanna say bad things that’s not true, go ahead, that says a lot about you than it is about me. I’m gonna try and stay out of people’s business and hope they show the same courtesy and stay the hell out of my life.

#2 Studies first
I lost motivation to study last year, I was slacking but now I gotta bring my A game on. This summer has been an eye opening soul searching journey lol I met new people who inspires me to be who I wanna be. It's just been so   overwhelming but we’ll see how this semester goes. I owe it to my parents, despite everything that I’ve done to disappoint them, to graduate with an impressive GPA.

#3 It’s ok to be weird
My sister is such a big inspiration to me. She was a rebellious girl growing up and when she finished high school she just changed drastically into a whole new person. She got really good grades, she got into a good university, she got a really good job in Shell as a Mechanical Engineer and now she’s leading a pretty good life. The thing is, she was the weirdo in her circle of friends, people always talk shit about her, aunties (oh we call anyone older than us with kids aunty in Malaysia) always says she needs an attitude adjustment and everything. But you know what, look at her nowww suckers. It’s ok to be a little different; a little queer, just be true to yourself. If it makes you happy just do it. No one can tell you differently.

#4 Keep it real
I need to surround myself with friends who tell me things like it is. I mean a lot can do it but not many can do it without judging you. You can tell when you talk to someone and they judge you for it. They might say “I don’t judge’-which I fucking hate cause you can just tell. Only the past semester did I find people that I can comfortably go and ask for advice or thoughts on certain messed up situations. Now that I have that, I hope this semester will be better than the last one.

I can’t think anymore, this is where I’ll stop but there will be a part 2 when the semester starts. Let’s see if these rules will be enough to keep my head in the game. Here is to a good, smooth sailing semester :D

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Oh heyyy

Some pictures of sites today :D

It's not the best quality but I really like this photo. The green patch that you see is the famous Central Park. It's damn big. 

I know I've posted a lot of picture similar to this one on facebook and Instagram but I can't resist! Its seriously beautiful! I love my apartment, I love that it has a rooftop, I love that I can come up here to chill and just take in this view whenever I want. All I need now is someone to share the view with cehhh. 

Saw this huge ass sand castle at Point pleasant last Saturday. It's freaking huge and they had all this things sculpted into it which was cool. 

This picture was taken in Chicago during the beginning of summer. I like this picture cause it reminds me that new memories can be made. Leave the past behind and live in the present. Yup, I damn insightful now ok hahaha jk, kidding only. 

This picture is so intense. This picture was taken during Midwest after our quarter final match. Our scores were tied with the Vanderbilt team and sadly we lost during penalty kick. I never felt such intense feeling for a game before. After I kicked my penalty shot and I saw it flying over the goal post, I just screamed my lungs out and my eyes watered up. I felt so disappointed at myself for letting my team down. That game meant so much to us, just look at this picture. Everyone just started breaking down. Such a rush tho, I wanna feel that passionate about a game again. Thank you U of Mich for letting me join the team. I had a blast, never met a group of girls with such good sportsmanship before (:

Liyana came to visit a few days before Raya and we took a photo at Times Square New York. Twas a good day. I hope she comes visit me soon :D I really miss that girl, no more late night pillow talk or baking stuff or just random facts. Just transfer to Stevens will you! :( 

That's it for now. I seriously stop taking pictures. I'll be going to Atlantic City with friends on Wednesday! Beach sand funnel cake! We so excited, we're gonna have a ball tonight lol. Those who understand I give thee fist bumps, those who don't err.. bye. 

Friday, August 16, 2013


After kept in the dark for so long, I finally know the truth.

I know now why people have been giving me the cold shoulder, the awkward conversations with no eye contact, the no "hey" or "woi" when we pass each other, the sarcastic reply over a simple question and the rude gestures shown.

It is upsetting to hear people whom you called friends once say all these nonsense about you. I just wished they had the guts to confront me about it and ask what happened but it's like waiting for fire to start in the pouring rain. All I can say is don't judge someone to quickly.

I was really upset when I found out and it stresses the hell out of me but then after confiding to friends of mine, I really shouldn't be giving a rat's ass about it. People like this can live in their judgmental and close minded world because I am done giving a fuck. My life is too short to waste my time on hateful, manipulative, devious people. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Dear Ones

I hit that low point in my life where I felt as if I had no friends at all. No being should feel that way. I was hanging with the wrong crowd because I had no one to confide in, no one to comfortably hang out with and no one that I could actually be myself around. I'm grateful to God for sending the people-that I can truly call friends, my way because they helped me in ways that I can't even begin to describe because my words won't do them justice. 

They helped me realize that it's ok to make mistakes and that my past mistakes does not define who I am as a person. They made me realize how I'm a good person and not what other people made me out to be. They taught me how to not sweat the haters and the doubtful. 

Yes, I made mistakes that I regret and countless times I wished I could have gone back and not turned into the person I hate. But that's life. I let my wounds turned me into the person I'm not and lost my identity for the longest time. It took time for me to actually find myself and move on and now.. I think I'm ready to leave my past behind and start again. 

Thank you dear friends for the support and love that you have shown me in the past year. I treasure each and every one of you. I am so grateful for your friendship and I promise to be there for you just like how you were there for me. Thank you for teaching me so much, your advice and words of wisdom will always be remembered. I can't think of anything else to say to show the magnitude of my appreciation except thank you, thank you so much for everything. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

So far

Ok, so I downloaded an app on my phone to help me blog but the stupid thing is it didn't fucking published my posts! Argh, damn pissed la. Spent so much time on my phone but then found out that this dumb app didn't even published it. *Face palm*

I am so determined to finish the 365 project! Haven't been taking a lot of pictures but hopefully the ones I put on are nice LOL. If selfies, faham faham la. I also bored what, need pictures of myself to feel good sometimes. I have very low self esteem, not even joking. Sooo moving on...

I am one with nature LOL.  I've been taking yoga classes just to fulfill my Physical Education credit. At first I thought pfft, yoga easy only. Have to do some weird ass positions for an hour and then I'm done but I ended up really liking it. It might seem easy but dude seriously, I was so sore the first few classes but then I got the hang of it. My favorite position is downward facing dog. It makes me feel like my limbs are long and that I'm elongating it haha. Dunno if I make sense or not. At the end of each yoga class we have this part where we just lie down! The instructor will say stuff like "control your breathing, roll your eyes backwards" and some weird shit like that, I usually just doze off and then wake up when she say class is done. But yea, try yoga! it's seriously fun and far from boring. It's challenging yet calming. 


In my previous post I wrote about visiting Rohan at Penn State and had this huge ass ice cream cone to myself! Ahh life is bliss weee. For those who don't know me my favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip oh my gosh BEST FLAVOR EVER. A lot may say eww and whatnot but seriously how can you not like it?! Its pack with so much flavor! So refreshing and it doesn't leave an after taste where you need to drink lots of water after. Just lock me in a room with this ice cream and I'll be set for life. 

There were a few weeks during Spring semester where the club that I was involved in had to stay up till late for planning, decision making and etc for the clubs' biggest event of the year.It really took a toll on me because 1.) I was trying to balance school and extracurricular activities. 2) I wasn't living on campus anymore and I get really tired from commuting to and fro. 3.) I was at a point that I got so busy that I didn't even had time to eat and everyone knows that a hungry man is an angry man. But anyway, I took this picture to remind myself that even when I'm tired and I just wanna 
I just need to push myself on that last, big hurdle before achieving something awesome. To hear someone say "Hey, good job. It was an awesome show" and just bask in the glory of being recognize for all your hard work, effort and cold sweat (cold cause it was spring but I still sweated my balls off.)

The committee members, I'm really gonna miss working with these people.
and hey, it was a great show :D

Even though I hate my school sometimes, at least got nice view. I can't wait to show my parents around New York when they visit me next year. Views like this makes me realize how everything has a price. Ingat senang ka wanna go to school oversea, you gotta bust your balls if you wanna make it big. 

Went to Chicago again in the beginning of summer. The city really confuses me, It's the city that I love to hate just cause I have so many memories there and it doesn't really make me feel any better that the times that I was there that the weather was gloomy as shit. I felt like the weather was reflecting how I felt at the time. Cehhh, damn poyo right. Just kidding. I really like this photo cause of the bird, only cause of the bird. Truth be told, I look like shit cause I didn't shower that day. I didn't know that my friends wanted to stop by Chicago before heading home. 

Went to Atlanta, Georgia just because I needed a change of scenery. Atlanta has a lot of attractions like the World of Coca Cola, the Aquarium, tree climbing, the hike trails and etc. My favorite was the World of Coca Cola, you get to try 60+ different kind of sodas from all over the world and you get to tapao a bottle of coke before you leave. You also learn the history behind coca cola and all. 

There's even a polar bear
Too cute man, too cute.
Jump for joy! I don't know what lake this was but it was in Atlanta. Look at the sky, its so blue sigh. So pretty. Jumping shots are the shiznits!


Everyone meet Liyana Nayan, my best friend haha :D She visited me few days before Eid and it was really nice catching up with her. Selamat Hari Raya Liyana! 

I brought Liyana out to Central Park and found this really neat spot. When I have a boyfriend I really wanna bring him here and go for a picnic and row a boat and other romantic stuff haha I'm such a girl.

 A selfie :D Bought the dress from a thrift shop for $12. 

Aite that's it for now. Till next time :)