Ok, so I downloaded an app on my phone to help me blog but the stupid thing is it didn't fucking published my posts! Argh, damn pissed la. Spent so much time on my phone but then found out that this dumb app didn't even published it. *Face palm*
I am so determined to finish the 365 project! Haven't been taking a lot of pictures but hopefully the ones I put on are nice LOL. If selfies, faham faham la. I also bored what, need pictures of myself to feel good sometimes. I have very low self esteem, not even joking. Sooo moving on...
I am one with nature LOL. I've been taking yoga classes just to fulfill my Physical Education credit. At first I thought pfft, yoga easy only. Have to do some weird ass positions for an hour and then I'm done but I ended up really liking it. It might seem easy but dude seriously, I was so sore the first few classes but then I got the hang of it. My favorite position is downward facing dog. It makes me feel like my limbs are long and that I'm elongating it haha. Dunno if I make sense or not. At the end of each yoga class we have this part where we just lie down! The instructor will say stuff like "control your breathing, roll your eyes backwards" and some weird shit like that, I usually just doze off and then wake up when she say class is done. But yea, try yoga! it's seriously fun and far from boring. It's challenging yet calming.
In my previous post I wrote about visiting Rohan at Penn State and had this huge ass ice cream cone to myself! Ahh life is bliss weee. For those who don't know me my favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip oh my gosh BEST FLAVOR EVER. A lot may say eww and whatnot but seriously how can you not like it?! Its pack with so much flavor! So refreshing and it doesn't leave an after taste where you need to drink lots of water after. Just lock me in a room with this ice cream and I'll be set for life.
There were a few weeks during Spring semester where the club that I was involved in had to stay up till late for planning, decision making and etc for the clubs' biggest event of the year.It really took a toll on me because 1.) I was trying to balance school and extracurricular activities. 2) I wasn't living on campus anymore and I get really tired from commuting to and fro. 3.) I was at a point that I got so busy that I didn't even had time to eat and everyone knows that a hungry man is an angry man. But anyway, I took this picture to remind myself that even when I'm tired and I just wanna
I just need to push myself on that last, big hurdle before achieving something awesome. To hear someone say "Hey, good job. It was an awesome show" and just bask in the glory of being recognize for all your hard work, effort and cold sweat (cold cause it was spring but I still sweated my balls off.)
The committee members, I'm really gonna miss working with these people.
and hey, it was a great show :D
Even though I hate my school sometimes, at least got nice view. I can't wait to show my parents around New York when they visit me next year. Views like this makes me realize how everything has a price. Ingat senang ka wanna go to school oversea, you gotta bust your balls if you wanna make it big.
Went to Chicago again in the beginning of summer. The city really confuses me, It's the city that I love to hate just cause I have so many memories there and it doesn't really make me feel any better that the times that I was there that the weather was gloomy as shit. I felt like the weather was reflecting how I felt at the time. Cehhh, damn poyo right. Just kidding. I really like this photo cause of the bird, only cause of the bird. Truth be told, I look like shit cause I didn't shower that day. I didn't know that my friends wanted to stop by Chicago before heading home.
Went to Atlanta, Georgia just because I needed a change of scenery. Atlanta has a lot of attractions like the World of Coca Cola, the Aquarium, tree climbing, the hike trails and etc. My favorite was the World of Coca Cola, you get to try 60+ different kind of sodas from all over the world and you get to tapao a bottle of coke before you leave. You also learn the history behind coca cola and all.
There's even a polar bear
Too cute man, too cute.
Jump for joy! I don't know what lake this was but it was in Atlanta. Look at the sky, its so blue sigh. So pretty. Jumping shots are the shiznits!
Everyone meet Liyana Nayan, my best friend haha :D She visited me few days before Eid and it was really nice catching up with her. Selamat Hari Raya Liyana!
I brought Liyana out to Central Park and found this really neat spot. When I have a boyfriend I really wanna bring him here and go for a picnic and row a boat and other romantic stuff haha I'm such a girl.
A selfie :D Bought the dress from a thrift shop for $12.
Aite that's it for now. Till next time :)
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