Saturday, August 24, 2013

Fall Semester Part 1

I'm taking 21 credits next semester which means 7 classes. By far the most credits I've taken. Not gonna lie, I'm scared and I pray to God that I will get through it. I can only hope nothing emotional happens so I'm gonna write my resolution for my Fall Semester just to keep me focus on the important things. 

#1 No drama please
Since I came to Stevens, my life has been a living hell  ... interesting? I thought it would have been like how it was in Intec but it wasn't. I know some of you can relate to this, you guys must have your fair share of life drama. In Intec I was carefree, bubbly and happy. Had friends that I could trust and talk to about anything; well I thought I could. But here, it’s so different. I feel like a character in a movie with all this shit going on. No more. I need to be a tough bitch. People wanna say bad things that’s not true, go ahead, that says a lot about you than it is about me. I’m gonna try and stay out of people’s business and hope they show the same courtesy and stay the hell out of my life.

#2 Studies first
I lost motivation to study last year, I was slacking but now I gotta bring my A game on. This summer has been an eye opening soul searching journey lol I met new people who inspires me to be who I wanna be. It's just been so   overwhelming but we’ll see how this semester goes. I owe it to my parents, despite everything that I’ve done to disappoint them, to graduate with an impressive GPA.

#3 It’s ok to be weird
My sister is such a big inspiration to me. She was a rebellious girl growing up and when she finished high school she just changed drastically into a whole new person. She got really good grades, she got into a good university, she got a really good job in Shell as a Mechanical Engineer and now she’s leading a pretty good life. The thing is, she was the weirdo in her circle of friends, people always talk shit about her, aunties (oh we call anyone older than us with kids aunty in Malaysia) always says she needs an attitude adjustment and everything. But you know what, look at her nowww suckers. It’s ok to be a little different; a little queer, just be true to yourself. If it makes you happy just do it. No one can tell you differently.

#4 Keep it real
I need to surround myself with friends who tell me things like it is. I mean a lot can do it but not many can do it without judging you. You can tell when you talk to someone and they judge you for it. They might say “I don’t judge’-which I fucking hate cause you can just tell. Only the past semester did I find people that I can comfortably go and ask for advice or thoughts on certain messed up situations. Now that I have that, I hope this semester will be better than the last one.

I can’t think anymore, this is where I’ll stop but there will be a part 2 when the semester starts. Let’s see if these rules will be enough to keep my head in the game. Here is to a good, smooth sailing semester :D

1 comment:

  1. good for you diane!
    take care ok, n all d best for the final year wohoooo :D
