Monday, December 13, 2010

Jumping shots

My sis, Sophia, birthday was yesterday so I thought I bought her something since she gave me a dress for my birthday :D With the aid of Philo and Dale I bought her a pair of red shoes from Nose. Then we wrap it with crepe paper and it looks so totally pretty and awesome! Like the most awesome-est wrapped gift everrrrrr!!
Ok I exaggerated a little but its so pretty, I especially like the ruffles on top.
On our way back home we stopped at the beach cause it look so superbly beautiful and we are beach people so obviously we HAD to stop and enjoy the beach :D
The beach..isn't it pretty?
 Philo and Dale
So rugi that we didn't bring a camera, so we use my phone instead. Haha..only 2 mega pixel and you know what, though its a not-so-good phone, it could take jumping shots. 
I call this pic " The Ballerinas" :D
The Stars
The word "YO"
Haha..I think this is my favorite pic of the day :D Philo looks resurrected and Dale looks like his gonna punish Philo with a stick he found somewhere. I call this "The Punisher" :O
Whoa..nice kan? :p This pic was taken by Philo :)

I absolutely LOVE jumping shots! The best jumping shot in my life is this pic :
That was after a day at an old folks home at Cheras.

I love jumping shots! Jumping shots are the best pics! :D

 Last but not least,
I wanna wish my darling hubby,
16 months already and I still love you :D
All the best in your finals hubby, you can do it!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Procession '10

12/12/2010 was Bintulu's Christmas Procession! Usually I'll be all psych about parading around town, waving and shouting "Merry Xmas" but I didn't really feel the Christmas spirit. At first.
Dale and I on our way to meet Vanessa. Vanessa's mum was giving us a ride to the old airport where the procession was gonna start. I like that time of the afternoon that picture was taken, the lighting is nice and it makes the skin look nice like crazy :D
Everyone is lining up according to christian churches. Look, can see a little boy wearing an Orang Ulu traditional costume :D
 There was little boys in their tough i-dunno-what-uniform-that-is outfit
and little girls in their angel outfit, awww~
We were there around 6.15 pm but the actual walking started at 7.30pm. That was like 1 hour plus of standing around and waiting for someone to accidentally burn their lantern.
 The gang. The one beside Vanessa is her mum. Sporting wo the mother~ 
 The three of us :) No gang bha at first, but then we meet up with Joshua and Philo and the english choir group. Oh joy :D
See all the lantern lights,isn't it pretty? I started to get excited at this time.
This was Theo's lantern. Haha..i didn't have a lantern cause it was like a last minute thing. Damn I wish I had a lantern, even a candle would have suffice. 
So pretty..but damn hot la that time. Keep sweating and everyone was like bumping each other. Haha, it was fun tho. But then something disastrous happen, my pink bag got stained with sad :'( That's like my only bag. Haha..ergo the sad moment at my part. Now I'm bagless yet again. 
Philo and Audrey :D
The English choir group :) The guys behind there, aduh, haha..I don't know what went through their minds at that time.
Vanessa and Dale! Their feet were hurting,hence the expression :)
Then finally after one hour and 15 minutes (give or take) we reach our destination! Like finally..haha,Dale and I were like super duper hungry so we went KFC for dinner, Vanessa's treat :D Yay free dinner~ 
This was the only performance we saw. Haha..then we went home cause too tired already.

To all my readers, if I have any, I would just want to say
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
May you all have a blessed and memorable one :D
Merry Christmas everyone!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Mercun Party

When I am feeling down I find myself going through this photo album. Its named the "Mercun Party" album and its filled with so much randomness that it makes me smile and laugh like a dork all the time. It never fails to lighten me up. :)
Mercun! :D Excited. Its so prettyyyyy..
Everyone present that time :D Everyone was doing that "1 Malaysia" pose. Haha :)
An attempt to do a jumping shot :D
That's the best shot we could do as a group :)
Then things got weirder and more fun!
High :D
Raymond just look very cacat here. LMAO
My friends called this the Geng Dangdut. Hahahaha..they do look like they are dancing :)
 Now this is freaky.Haha..I dunno what his doing but its really weird but funny at the same time.
Smack that! Haha :D

There are a lot more pictures in the album but the few pics here are my favourites :) We should do a mercun party next year before everyone goes off for CNY :D

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The 4th of Dec

I didn't have a cake on my birthday :(
I had something better,
I had brownies!
Ian baked me a brownie :D 
So sweet..

 and lookie, he drew a heart on it. Aww~

Then he ate me while I watched :) 
Thanks hubby, I love you.

Then later on I went out with Dale to San Francisco to catch up on things
Emma was working there as a Barista and she gave us free drinks :D
Thanks Emma! 

So, yeah, that's kinda how I celebrated my big day.
Nothing much. Oh, I went out with my sis and she gave me a dress as a present! Thanks dek :)
Thank you guys for the birthday wishes~

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I am emo-ing. I usually am around this time of the year.

Karisma and TOEFL is over! Like finally. Sorry for the late post, I was waiting for more pictures to be uploaded on Facebook but looks like there's no more pictures. Anyhoo, we won SECOND place for Basketball :D but got squat for Volleyball *sobs* I guess I'm kinda disappointed that we couldn't win a single match for Volleyball, that sucks. I mean, we trained so hard and we got our ass whooped by one point. One freaking point.Shit. 
BUT the past is the past. 
This was taken during the second match, we were up against UiTM Negeri Sembilan. They were so arrogant, before the game they said "Gerenti boleh menang nie" O.o  Like hell you can. Just cause we are the youngest team to join KARISMA doesn't mean we don't have the skills to beat you guys.It just makes victory so much sweeter.
Victory Picture!

and got fireworks that night! cause it was also the Opening Ceremony.
We watched Ameelia's netball game, Raymond's tennis and futsal game but we didnt see Mc playing hockey. Sorry Mc!
Futsal team. They were against UiTM Kelantan and I tell you that match was the most tense match that I have ever watch! They lose to Kelantan 3-2. I shall not say anything more about this. -.-

 I love this pic :D
Ameelia and I :)

This was before we went to take our medals.
Twas a good week that was.
But then..
 Hopefully I did alright,please please please let my score be ok!


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Karaoke is fun!

I am so tired now. But I have to write it all out when its still fresh in my memory. Can always sleep when I'm  dead right? :D My peeps and I have been planning to go Karaoke and last Monday we did just that with Ameelia :) Happy times, Karaoke is so fun :DDDD

The Karaoke gang
We were there around 12+ and Happy Hour starts at 2pm (cheap ma..) so we went to Chili's to satisfy Raymond's glutton for their famous Chocolate Molten Cake. I thought they serve it in slices, like the cakes at Secret Recipe but holy molly it wasn't a slice of cake at all.

See what I mean??? Its damn nice, its so soft and sweet and warm yet cold. Lol..I don't know how to explain the taste but if got time go try!! Can get food orgasm by just one taste of this sinfully delicious dish and I quote from Ameelia, " Oh my gosh, its better than sex". yes, its that good :D
Thank you Raymond for introducing this dish to us :)
We buang masa at Chili's till 2pm then headed back to Redbox. We were so hungry! None of us had lunch yet and wanted to makan puas puas at Redbox buffet which starts at 3pm! So we sang our hunger away and again, Karaoke is fun :D
Ameelia and Raymond singing Lucky. Aww~
Then it was 3pm! Food!
The food! Lapar kot tunggu. 
 Then when we were full we sang again!

This pic is so funny! Look at our expression, more or less the same! 
We sang and sang till Mc and Raymond slept -.-
teruk sial this guy haha
Wanted to take pic of Raymond sleeping but he keep waking up. Haha.. then both of them woke up dan dengan semangatnya they sing songs from Michael Learns To Rock and Bon Jovi.
Haha..semangat right? :p 
The last hour that we had we went through all the songs left on the songs list. Those videos with no lyrics will be skipped and with those that do have lyrics will be sung but only the first verse and chorus. was such a rush but we managed to finish the song list! got tambah tambah again that. hehe, we left for Shah Alam  around 6.45 and it was so jammmmm....My god, we reach Shah Alam around 8.30+ I think and we lepak at KFC section 2.
Oh and we played this game, name the capital of the country.
Ameelia: The capital city of China?
Diane and Mc: Taipei!
Ameelia and Raymond burst into laughter.

Hehe, quite funny. Then...
Raymond saw Ameelia doing something..Hmmm~
and guess what she did!

She did a portrait of us!!! So sweet~
I had a blast, thanks guys :)
Good night!