Thursday, December 2, 2010


I am emo-ing. I usually am around this time of the year.

Karisma and TOEFL is over! Like finally. Sorry for the late post, I was waiting for more pictures to be uploaded on Facebook but looks like there's no more pictures. Anyhoo, we won SECOND place for Basketball :D but got squat for Volleyball *sobs* I guess I'm kinda disappointed that we couldn't win a single match for Volleyball, that sucks. I mean, we trained so hard and we got our ass whooped by one point. One freaking point.Shit. 
BUT the past is the past. 
This was taken during the second match, we were up against UiTM Negeri Sembilan. They were so arrogant, before the game they said "Gerenti boleh menang nie" O.o  Like hell you can. Just cause we are the youngest team to join KARISMA doesn't mean we don't have the skills to beat you guys.It just makes victory so much sweeter.
Victory Picture!

and got fireworks that night! cause it was also the Opening Ceremony.
We watched Ameelia's netball game, Raymond's tennis and futsal game but we didnt see Mc playing hockey. Sorry Mc!
Futsal team. They were against UiTM Kelantan and I tell you that match was the most tense match that I have ever watch! They lose to Kelantan 3-2. I shall not say anything more about this. -.-

 I love this pic :D
Ameelia and I :)

This was before we went to take our medals.
Twas a good week that was.
But then..
 Hopefully I did alright,please please please let my score be ok!


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