Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Procession '10

12/12/2010 was Bintulu's Christmas Procession! Usually I'll be all psych about parading around town, waving and shouting "Merry Xmas" but I didn't really feel the Christmas spirit. At first.
Dale and I on our way to meet Vanessa. Vanessa's mum was giving us a ride to the old airport where the procession was gonna start. I like that time of the afternoon that picture was taken, the lighting is nice and it makes the skin look nice like crazy :D
Everyone is lining up according to christian churches. Look, can see a little boy wearing an Orang Ulu traditional costume :D
 There was little boys in their tough i-dunno-what-uniform-that-is outfit
and little girls in their angel outfit, awww~
We were there around 6.15 pm but the actual walking started at 7.30pm. That was like 1 hour plus of standing around and waiting for someone to accidentally burn their lantern.
 The gang. The one beside Vanessa is her mum. Sporting wo the mother~ 
 The three of us :) No gang bha at first, but then we meet up with Joshua and Philo and the english choir group. Oh joy :D
See all the lantern lights,isn't it pretty? I started to get excited at this time.
This was Theo's lantern. Haha..i didn't have a lantern cause it was like a last minute thing. Damn I wish I had a lantern, even a candle would have suffice. 
So pretty..but damn hot la that time. Keep sweating and everyone was like bumping each other. Haha, it was fun tho. But then something disastrous happen, my pink bag got stained with sad :'( That's like my only bag. Haha..ergo the sad moment at my part. Now I'm bagless yet again. 
Philo and Audrey :D
The English choir group :) The guys behind there, aduh, haha..I don't know what went through their minds at that time.
Vanessa and Dale! Their feet were hurting,hence the expression :)
Then finally after one hour and 15 minutes (give or take) we reach our destination! Like finally..haha,Dale and I were like super duper hungry so we went KFC for dinner, Vanessa's treat :D Yay free dinner~ 
This was the only performance we saw. Haha..then we went home cause too tired already.

To all my readers, if I have any, I would just want to say
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
May you all have a blessed and memorable one :D
Merry Christmas everyone!

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