Monday, October 11, 2010


These few days I've been going out a lot..I wonder why. Just the other day I said i didn't go out much..hmm, I guess I shouldn't have said that :p Sorry mee sorry dee..
Last Thursday I really wanted to watch Charlie St. Cloud cause got good review and all from other blogger's so i went to watch it with Marie and Rouffino. :) and Zac Efron is so HOT! and he stripped a few times in the movie. LOL.

I don't know why that day so free also..calculus quiz was postponed, chemistry class started late and ended kinda early(yeah!) and what again..we were bored :p So here are the pictures from that day!

Look, its fried chicken and Mee Sua with a floating oyster in its thick spicy gravy..mmmmm. 
Rouffino looks cute here.Haha..
He went berserk after he took a bite of the chicken.
Marie and I  :)
When the movie finished it was already around 1120..pass the college curfew so we got ready an excuse to tell the pak guard :p and i even tried to make my eyes watery so that I look like I'm crying. wth. haha..and guess what. We tak kena saman! That was the best way to end the night I guess. Oh oh..i forgot to tell you all, guess who we met at the cinema right before we went in...
Sweet Mr. Purush!!
He send his regards to everybody and he looks younger.Seriously. The picture here doesn't do him justice. He said he went there to de-stress..So sporting ooo.

Then Saturday night, after Sunset Mass. I went out again with Howard, Nathaniel, Connie and Vanessa to uptown Shah Alam. So many fake things there..haha, but the good thing is that it's cheap.

Vanessa gone crazy over the cosmetic stuff.
then when we were waiting outside for Howard and Nat (who went to buy socks) Van did one of her eye.tak sabar one. :p
 And that's it for now :) Got physic quiz tomorrow. Wish me all the best :D

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