Saturday, October 29, 2011


Last night the Ethnic Council Society organized a Halloween event and it was a helluva party :D Since it was Halloween of course everyone was dressed to impress or dressed to scare the shit out of you. But I found myself gaping at people’s costume most of the time cause they’re so shockingly unbelievable. Ok, picture time!
After my class, went to a senior room to carve a pumpkin! My first pumpkin :D 
Me and Bella after taking the lid of the pumpkin :D Super excited at this point.
I didn't expect it to be hollow inside.
I'm carving a pumpkin :D
Pumpkin carving was fun, it's definitely something that I'll be looking forward to every Halloween. :D We cut out MASA and drew a bat and a ":O" face on it hahaha.That night we had that halloween party so i decided to go as an escaped inmate, lame I know, cause I had this stripey dress and I thought, hmm, why the hell not. It's so much cheaper than buying a costume that cost like USD40. and Marie, went as this sexy pirate/gypsy, and a sexy one at that *wink.
Marie and Sherlock Homes. Nice right her costume!  
Kimmie dressed as a Japanese School Girl. So cute :)

Me and 2 Miss India, I so love their sari's. 

There were a lot of other nice costume too, there were...
Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
Characters from Sesame Street! I was too shy to ask them for a proper pic ergo the backside pic lol.
An astronaut in his underwear :p
A monk

Barbie in a box
The Black Swan
The Jets Fans?
TY dolls :D
and a lottttttt more scary/funny/disturbing costumes. One guy came up to Marie with a plastic bag and said "Grab a condom, I have plenty" but its actually tomato sauce packets LOL. Well, that was about it, we danced, we shisha-ed and we slept after a long tiring day. The next day I woke up and I saw this!
First Snow! :O
Ok,ciao~ I'm off to feel snow for the first time :D

Monday, October 24, 2011


I was planning to sleep after my afternoon class when a link on facebook caught my attention.

Note:Not for the faint hearted. But if you're curious, like I was, then just watch it and be done with it. 

For those who didn't watch it and doesn't want to be haunted by the gruesome image for the rest of eternity, the video is from a security camera that caught a little toddler who got run over by a van. The whole entire time that she was bleeding profusely on the road, no one came to help her. 18 people passed her but not one of them helped. To make matters worse, the little kid got run over again by a truck :O before finally, the 19th person, came and helped call for help. Now, that little girl is at the hospital, brain dead with no chance of survival. T.T and she is JUST 2 years old. Probably too young to even know what life was about and now she's gone, knowing only the cruelty that left her in the streets to die.

18 people. 18 people passed the bleeding and obviously in pain child and did nothing but glanced. I seriously don't understand what is wrong with these people. Were these people stoned? If it was your child wouldn't you have helped? Was it just because it was an unknown kid that it was none of anyone's concern to help? wtf, seriously. Buat panas betul. (-__-)#

Do to others as you would have others do to you. It's a pretty good rule to live your life by. Hopefully this video struck a chord in the hearts of many to be more compassionate and more willing to help those in need. My condolences to her family, may her soul rest in peace.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Blessed Sunday everyone!
Mum would love these flowers

I'm feeling much better today, gone all the bitterness and emo-ness of yesterday.

I thank God for blessing me with a wonderful family that always provide a shoulder for me to lean on and a loving boyfriend, though busy with his midterms, sacrificed his time to comfort and cheer me up. I love you guys! I'm feeling dandy again so don't worry about me. (:

Saturday, October 22, 2011


How can I be so clueless, so thoughtless and so reckless to the point that I only think of my needs and my cares and everyone else's opinions are shoved out the disposal chute. I know I know, I sound so selfish right now. A word that's frequently heard in my life. I need an attitude readjustment right now and maybe then I'll feel better about myself but my actions and what it's done to others will always be on my conscience and I hope that later on in my life, in anything I do, I'll finally make the right move.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Big '2'

Happy 2 Year Anniversary!

Time flies by so fast now that we’re looking back to the time we had our first date. The past two years have been great baby. You have been wonderful, amazing, sweet, patient, gentle and most important, you’ve been real. I love how when things were going rough, you were there with a first aid kit to patch things up or when I’m being unreasonable and childish you just set me straight. I know I don’t always thank you when you do that, but thank you baby, I really appreciate it :)

Its been 2 years.24 months.1 051 897.53 minutes. 63 113 851.9 seconds.  I enjoyed most of the time that we were together babe, the rest I ain't so fond of cause of the occasional fights we have :p  but still..

I love you Ian Shafizal, Happy Anniversary :)


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Smash into rubbles.

Being home, I'm suppose to cherish my time here because I'm leaving my family, friends and my comfort zone. But honestly, I know I'm gonna sound horrible but I just can't wait to get the hell out of here. Don't get me wrong I'll miss my family dearly, maybe cry occasionally cause I want my mummy and the comfort of home but nothing is really holding me back here except for them cause know why? wanna know why?? cause FRIENDS COME AND THEY GO.

It's been two years since secondary school. What could have possibly changed? Apparently, everything did. Are we just too grown up, too fucking cool for each other that we can't be the way we were? Please la. I know people change with their new surroundings, I did. I changed a lot, for better and for worse but still I won't forget a friend that I've been close to and I appreciate that they were in my life. But for some people that's just not important. Distance, for some, kills their friendship, it just ruins it.

It's inevitable, it's foreseeable and it's disappointing. I know I'm slow in learning this, in my head I grow old with my friends. I guess I hate being forgotten, like I was insignificant in their lives. Not to say that I wanna make a huge impact on people, just one that would make them thought that I was worth befriending. I don't even know if this makes sense for you readers but it's how I feel at the moment.

Sigh. 7 days left.