Saturday, October 29, 2011


Last night the Ethnic Council Society organized a Halloween event and it was a helluva party :D Since it was Halloween of course everyone was dressed to impress or dressed to scare the shit out of you. But I found myself gaping at people’s costume most of the time cause they’re so shockingly unbelievable. Ok, picture time!
After my class, went to a senior room to carve a pumpkin! My first pumpkin :D 
Me and Bella after taking the lid of the pumpkin :D Super excited at this point.
I didn't expect it to be hollow inside.
I'm carving a pumpkin :D
Pumpkin carving was fun, it's definitely something that I'll be looking forward to every Halloween. :D We cut out MASA and drew a bat and a ":O" face on it hahaha.That night we had that halloween party so i decided to go as an escaped inmate, lame I know, cause I had this stripey dress and I thought, hmm, why the hell not. It's so much cheaper than buying a costume that cost like USD40. and Marie, went as this sexy pirate/gypsy, and a sexy one at that *wink.
Marie and Sherlock Homes. Nice right her costume!  
Kimmie dressed as a Japanese School Girl. So cute :)

Me and 2 Miss India, I so love their sari's. 

There were a lot of other nice costume too, there were...
Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
Characters from Sesame Street! I was too shy to ask them for a proper pic ergo the backside pic lol.
An astronaut in his underwear :p
A monk

Barbie in a box
The Black Swan
The Jets Fans?
TY dolls :D
and a lottttttt more scary/funny/disturbing costumes. One guy came up to Marie with a plastic bag and said "Grab a condom, I have plenty" but its actually tomato sauce packets LOL. Well, that was about it, we danced, we shisha-ed and we slept after a long tiring day. The next day I woke up and I saw this!
First Snow! :O
Ok,ciao~ I'm off to feel snow for the first time :D

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